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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Top Three Guides To Look Perfect On Your Wedding Day

If your boyfriend has already proposed to you, then you are probably hearing wedding bells that are ringing. The problem is, are you ready for it? Indeed, you maybe emotionally and financially ready, but are you physically ready? What am I talking about?

Admit it! Every single bride in this world wants to look stunningly beautiful on that special moment of her life. Some women even says that they gonna walk down the aisle once only, so, they want to look perfect on that day. And, I bet so do you!

Make-ups, gowns and accessories are just some of the things that you will need in order to attain the look you want to have on your special day. However, like every other woman, you also want to be slim in order fit on that gown that you have been dreaming of for a long time already. So what are going to do?

First of all, don’t panic! There are so many things that you can do especially if you still have a year or even six months to prepare. The below top three guide will be of much help for you to prepare of that day!

  1. Eat right – You will have to alter your eating habits for that special day by eating the right kinds of foods. Avoid fatty foods as well as those foods that are high in calories. Those foods are typically with high sugar content. For that reason, you may need to cut down your chocolate intakes. Those will do you no good. So, try eating healthier alternatives such as yogurt or fruits. Remember, you need to eat the right foods and not to starve yourself since when you’re hungry, your metabolism will slow down that may lead to gain weight instead.
  2. Exercise – You really need to squeeze your hectic schedule and include exercises in your daily routine. At least in a day, try to perform any exercise for at least 30-minutes. That is really a good way to burn the calories that you are putting in your body. Moreover, exercise is a good way to lose some pounds. So, start by jogging or even running. You can also engage into sports such as badminton. But remember, to attain a good shape, cardio exercises are not enough. You will need some strength and resistance training to develop firm muscles and to put shape in your body.
  3. Avoid pressure – You should never ever let pressure to hit on your mind. Certainly, you will be pressured by your friends, your family, your relatives, your wedding coordinator or even your soon to be hubby. However, don’t let them to piss you off as they may just add wrinkles on your face. Instead, take the matter calmly. Bear in mind that people can make more effective decisions when they are calm. So, just be cool about the event. Moreover, a good thing in order to avoid pressure is to have a planner for your wedding day. Schedule everything even your workout plans as well as your meal plans. Regularly check that planner. Stick to it and you will be on your way to have a wonderful wedding that you are dreaming of.

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