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Thursday, November 18, 2010

8 Essential Race Day Tips For First Time Runners

Hooray! Now that you have decided to run a race, I bet you have lots of questions on your mind like what you should be doing on the big day as well as how you should dress up for the event. Well, turn your panic button into OFF as you really don’t have to be in fear especially if you are joining a fun run or a run for a cause. And, it’s your first time, so it’s better to just enjoy the race.

Even though that is the case, you still need to come prepared for the event. And, here are some helpful information that may guide you on first race.

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  1. Eat your breakfast. We all know that breakfast is one of the most important meal of the day, so never forget to prepare a healthy breakfast for yourself. Moreover, it is best to eat at least one hour before the race and try to avoid fatty foods as the may cause stomach problems.
  2. Come early. Coming on time is not an option. So, plan to be at the event at least an hour before the gun start. This is to give you ample time to prepare. Remember that you may need to register, change into your running attire and familiarize yourself on the place. Moreover, you will need to do some stretching to prepare your body.
  3. Wear appropriate clothing. Your fashion sense shouldn’t kick in so much for a race. Remember that you are there to smell bad and to perspire. So, forget those make-ups and other cosmetics. Moreover, don’t mind too much if you look best on the camera or not. Well, who would be after running a few miles? So, it is enough for you to have comfortable clothing for the race and some extra clothes as your change clothes after the race. Nevertheless, bear in mind to avoid cotton clothes during the race as they will not be your best buddy.
  4. Wear necessary accessories. Bibs are typically worn during the race as the number is reflects your identity. So, never fail to pin it. And, remember that the bib is placed on the front and not on the back of the shirt. Moreover, never forget to lace your timing chip. It will be the basis on how fast you finish the race. Lastly, leave unnecessary accessories behind like earring, rings and alike since those may cause injuries and troubles as you run.
  5. Hydrate yourself. In most races, there are water stops along the route. So, better utilize them to keep you hydrated. Moreover, remember not to choose the first table on the water stop as that table used to be congested from people who want to drink as well. So, find a spot wherein you can easily grab the cup and run immediately.
  6. Line accordingly. Never line up in front of the starting line as fast runners usually pick that spot. You might got intimidated by them or you might annoy them. So, choose a spot somewhere in the middle so that you can easily adjust your facing and you will not be scared by those who run like a horse.
  7. Intend to finish. Since this is your first time to run, finishing the race is already a big achievement. So, don’t put too much pressure on yourself if you don’t win any prices. The fact that you have finished, it’s enough reason to celebrate.
  8. Leave your brand new shoes. This is not the best time to flaunt your new shoes as you shouldn’t be wearing them. New shoes that are worn during the race is the common cause of injuries as your feet is not your comfortable with it. So, save that shoes for your nest run.

7 Tips For First Time Runners

It is normal for anyone who is new at running to ask a lot of questions even though running is one of the most basic sports that can be done. Well, there is really nothing unusual with the sports. So, to give you some peace of mind and to help you relax especially if this will be your first race, here are a few tips that you can follow.

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  1. Drink lots of water. Water is very important to keep the body dehydrated and it is important to do so even before running a race so that you will not tire easily. So, maintain a steady flow of water into the body a day before the race. A good indicator that you are well hydrated is by checking your urine color. If it is not yellow, then you are doing great.
  2. Eat normally. Avoid trying out ambiguous diet a day before your run since it may create stomach discomfort on the day of the race. Moreover, don’t overdo your dinner. Just eat normally. However, it is best if at least 65% of your calorie intake will come from carbohydrate rich foods.
  3. Relax. Never think of running a day before your race. It is time to loosen up for the upcoming race and not to wear your body. The reason is that you might have injuries on the following day or your body might be too sore for you to run. So, just relax. A good warm bath will help you do so.
  4. Pack your things early. It is best if you could pack your things a day or two before the big day. Check if all your things are complete such as the bibs, some safety pins, shoes, socks, timing chip etc. By doing so, you can avoid pressure and missing out essential things for the race.
  5. Prepare your breakfast. Running with an empty stomach may tire you easily. However, running with a full stomach is not good too. For that reason, prepare a breakfast that is healthy and packed with all the energy you will be needing for the race but it is light for the tummy. Moreover, you can get up early so that your stomach will have enough time to digest the foods.
  6. Set your alarm clock. Most races are done early in the morning when the sun is not too high. So, never forget to set your alarm most especially if you will be coming from a far place. Plan the time you will need to get up because you have to consider your travel time as well as registration time. So, put some allowance to consider unexpected events like traffic.
  7. Have a good night sleep. Yes, you maybe nervous since it is your first race, But, that shouldn’t be a reason for not having a proper rest. So, as much as possible, go to bed early as you will be needing most of your energy the following day.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Take A Plunge Into Running!

Ready… Set… GO!

Marathon is one of the most trending topics nowadays. Almost every week, there are marathon events that are being hosted by different groups, companies, and organization. Aside from that, running is being advertised heavily these days by different shoe manufacturers as well as by different gadget makers like iPod. For that reason, a lot of people are getting hooked with this sports.

Well, who wouldn’t be? Running is one of the cheapest sports in town. All you need is a good pair of rubber shoes and you can start running. The best thing in running is that you can do the sports even though you are alone or you are with your friends or family. Moreover, running can be performed almost anywhere like in the park, in the gym, in the sports center or even in your village. So, there is less external reasons why anyone can’t run.

Aside from that, running is one of the easiest sports to do. You actually don’t need to be too intelligent or to be strong in order to perform this sports since all you really need to do is to run. However, it is also important to be knowledgeable on the different ways on how to avoid injuries and other problems. So, reading some stuff about running will be a great deal of help. Moreover, training is also needed before entering in any race so that your body is in a good condition as you run.

Given the fact that running is not that difficult as compared to other sports, it is time to indulge into this sport too. There is really no harm done in trying. If you are having second thoughts, ask a friend to accompany you. It is one of the easiest approach in order to start running. What is more? Running is also one of the best ways to lose tremendous pounds off your body.

Therefore, if you want to be fit and healthy, if you want to lose weight, then take a plunge into this sport while it is hot!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Your Complete Diet Guide For The Halloween

It is Halloween in just a few days and it only means two things. First, there would definitely be lots of candies, cookies, and chocolates that could ruin anyone’s diet. The other thing is that Halloween is the start of the holiday quarter of the year. It means that lots of good and delicious but unhealthy foods are on their way to your tummy.

For those who are on a diet, all those events spell disaster! The foods, especially the sweets, can definitely ruin one’s weight loss program if you will not be wise. For that reason, it is very important to be creative on those times of the year in order to maintain a fit and healthy body.

I bet you are eager to know what can be done to avoid such a disaster. Well, here are some guidelines that you can perform in order to enjoy Halloween and the whole holiday season.

Before The Halloween

It is best if you can double your exercise time. Remember that lots of foods are on its way to invade your tummy. For that reason, have more time on the gym or allot some time jogging and running. By being active, you can increase your metabolism rate, then your body will not have too much difficulties in burning the calories you are about to put into your body.

Then, you should eat healthy foods too. It’s not yet Halloween remember, so don’t put the remaining time into waste by eating unhealthy foods. Moreover, it is also a good thing to prepare healthier threats for your young and adults visitors. Keep in mind to have treats that they could enjoy such as oatmeal cookies and dark chocolates.

On The Halloween

On the day of the Halloween itself, please don’t be tempted too much by the treats you have. It should be for the kids and your visitors so don’t eat too much. A good trick is to drink lots of water with a slice of lemon. That can help to lessen your craving on sweets and for you to be full easily.

After Halloween

It’s time to burn those excess calories that you have gathered. So, rise early! Have a few laps to burn those calories that you have been munching the previous days. Remember that the longer those calories stay on your body, the more difficult it is to eliminate them. So, act early.

Then, don’t dwell too much on the excess candies and chocolates in your house. Don’t let the temptation to stay in your house. So throw them away! Of course not on the trash bag since you can give them to your officemates or to other kids on the neighbor hood.  Then, return to eating right. That can help you to be fit and healthy for the upcoming days.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Top Three Guides To Look Perfect On Your Wedding Day

If your boyfriend has already proposed to you, then you are probably hearing wedding bells that are ringing. The problem is, are you ready for it? Indeed, you maybe emotionally and financially ready, but are you physically ready? What am I talking about?

Admit it! Every single bride in this world wants to look stunningly beautiful on that special moment of her life. Some women even says that they gonna walk down the aisle once only, so, they want to look perfect on that day. And, I bet so do you!

Make-ups, gowns and accessories are just some of the things that you will need in order to attain the look you want to have on your special day. However, like every other woman, you also want to be slim in order fit on that gown that you have been dreaming of for a long time already. So what are going to do?

First of all, don’t panic! There are so many things that you can do especially if you still have a year or even six months to prepare. The below top three guide will be of much help for you to prepare of that day!

  1. Eat right – You will have to alter your eating habits for that special day by eating the right kinds of foods. Avoid fatty foods as well as those foods that are high in calories. Those foods are typically with high sugar content. For that reason, you may need to cut down your chocolate intakes. Those will do you no good. So, try eating healthier alternatives such as yogurt or fruits. Remember, you need to eat the right foods and not to starve yourself since when you’re hungry, your metabolism will slow down that may lead to gain weight instead.
  2. Exercise – You really need to squeeze your hectic schedule and include exercises in your daily routine. At least in a day, try to perform any exercise for at least 30-minutes. That is really a good way to burn the calories that you are putting in your body. Moreover, exercise is a good way to lose some pounds. So, start by jogging or even running. You can also engage into sports such as badminton. But remember, to attain a good shape, cardio exercises are not enough. You will need some strength and resistance training to develop firm muscles and to put shape in your body.
  3. Avoid pressure – You should never ever let pressure to hit on your mind. Certainly, you will be pressured by your friends, your family, your relatives, your wedding coordinator or even your soon to be hubby. However, don’t let them to piss you off as they may just add wrinkles on your face. Instead, take the matter calmly. Bear in mind that people can make more effective decisions when they are calm. So, just be cool about the event. Moreover, a good thing in order to avoid pressure is to have a planner for your wedding day. Schedule everything even your workout plans as well as your meal plans. Regularly check that planner. Stick to it and you will be on your way to have a wonderful wedding that you are dreaming of.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Proper Approach In Dealing With Weight Loss

As Featured On EzineArticles 

Now that you have decided to lose pounds away, then what is next? Most people will easily resort into fad diets while others will just follow the lead of going and enrolling into the gyms. Is that what you are going to do too? Then think twice as most people who didn't make a plan on how they can lose weight fail. This is because their being impulsive has clouded their better judgments.

So, the best thing to do is to analyze first the situation. Check yourself first. Look on how much pounds you need to lose in order to be on the ideal weight bracket. From that information, you can devise a plan on how to deal with your problem. Moreover, you can plot series of activities for you to follow to attain success.
Moreover, it is also best to ask yourself, some basic questions like "Do I really need to go to the gym?" "What program is best for me?" "How much time do I have to allot for the gym?" "Do I have enough money to cover for the expenses?" Answering those questions will be helpful for you in deciding whether to go to the gym or not.

Aside from that, it is recommended to consult your doctor about your plans on going to the gym. Request for thorough physical exam first since the results of the physical exam will show more about your health. Then, ask your doctor for recommendations if you are fit enough to undergo the rigorous gym routines and exercises.

On the other hand, as has been said before, you shouldn't rely on fad diets. Though for some people, fad diets have been successful. But that doesn't mean that it will be successful to you. In addition to that, fad diets are only good for short period. When you consider the future, you will realize that fad diets will not do any good to you. So, in order to avoid being regretful in the future, the best thing to do is to consult a nutritionist or a dietician.

Those people know what they are doing. Moreover, their expertise on proper diet can lead to your success in your battle to remove those excess pounds that you have. With them, you will learn the right foods to eat as well as the foods that you should be avoiding. In addition, they can help you in planning the foods that you will be eating for a week or two. They can also help you in choosing the foods that are best when you want to engage yourself in exercises. In short, nutritionists and dieticians can help you to design your meal plan in order for you to have sufficient energy without gaining weight.

As a conclusion, weight loss cannot happen over night or in just a week or two. In order to be successful, you need a lot of preparations. Moreover, you need to maintain that healthy lifestyle for you to be fit and healthy for the rest of your lives.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

8 Easy Tips To Lose Weight At The Office

A lot of office workers are complaining that they are having difficulties in losing weight while they are the office. Well, who wouldn’t be if all you are going to do is to talk on the phone, type reports and communicate through emails?  Doing all such activities coupled with snacking some brownies and drinking a latter will really add some pounds to you.

So, what can be done to remove those excess baggages on the belly? Fortunately, there are scores of things that can be made in order to burn calories and eventually lose weight while in the office. Here are some tips that you can follow that may lead to your success.

  1. Personally talk to a person. Instead of using the phone to ask questions to your colleagues, then it is advisable to personally talk to him. Go to his cubicle and have a professional conversation about work. By doing so, you are burning calories as you walk towards his cubicles. This technique will be more effective if the one you are talking to is located at the far end of the office.
  2. Stand up from time to time. Don’t let your butt to be glued on the chair. So, have a break from making reports and stand up. Stand up for several minutes as that will also burn calories. Moreover, if you are going to answer the phone, you can also stand up.
  3. Use your break time wisely. Instead of using your break time to browse the net, use it wisely by walking. Visit your friends or your lunch buddies. Start a conversation with them. There is nothing wrong with that. It is break time isn’t it?
  4. Avoid stacking unhealthy snacks on your drawer. If there is really nothing in there, there is none to eat. So, better put away your snacks to avoid eating in between meals. But during snack times, choose fruits instead of junk foods. Apples are one of the best snack selections that you can have.
  5. Drink water. Instead of drinking sodas, opt for water. Water is healthy and it provides many benefits to your health and body. Moreover, water is helpful in weight loss.
  6. Use the stairs. This is really a good cardio and strength training, Moreover, using the stairs can burn more calories as compared to just walking. So, if you are just located on the fourth floor or fifth floor of the building, just use the stairs.
  7. Exercise. There are a lot of simple office exercises that can be done discretely while inside the office. You can do leg raise without people noticing you are doing that. Moreover, there plenty other exercises that you can do.
  8. Drink green tea. Green tea has been used even during the ancient times as a healthy drink. In addition to that, it has substances that are helpful for weight loss. So, drink a cup of green tea per day as it also contains antioxidants that can reduce the risks of certain cancers.

The above mentioned things are just a few of the many things that you can do to lose weight while at the office. Practicing those tips on a daily manner will really be of help in order to be successful in losing weight. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Five Best Ways To Burn Calories Easily

Who doesn’t want to look slim and good looking? I bet most of us want to do that. As a result, there are many people who are trying every method possible to lose weight. Some people even enroll themselves into different gym programs while others try to eat healthy foods in order to attain their desired weight and body.

As for those who are lucky enough to have plenty of money, getting slimmer is not that a big problem. They can just budge into a beauty salon and ask a schedule for a liposuction session. Aside from that, they can just easily ask a doctor on what is the best to do.

Nevertheless, do you know that we can burn calories in anything that we do? Yes it is true. When you watch your favorite program on TV, eat those delicious snacks or even jog and walk, you are actually burning calories. Well, the amount of burned calories depends on how extreme or strenuous your activity is.

Consequently, it is imperative to know the activities that can be useful in burning the calories. So, below is the list of things that you can do to help burn some calories and lose weight.

1.      Embrace Pressure. Indeed that pressure can be very difficult to handle. However, as you are being stressed or pressured, you burn a lot of calories. So, don’t take pressure so negatively. Instead, convert pressure into a positive aspect as pressure can help you to sharpen your mind as well.
2.      Never Forget Your Breakfast. Start your day by burning fats as you eat breakfast. This is because when you are hungry, the brain will send signal that can slow down your metabolism.
3.      Have A Cup Of Coffee During Breaks. Caffeine that is present in coffee is helpful in burning more calories based from researches and study. So, never fail to miss your coffee break. It’s a good way to distress your mind as well as to help you manage your weight.
4.      Walk Around. Increase your time of walking. It is very simple and you can easily manage it. The reason is walking is really one of the best exercises. At the same time, it is best in burning calories. So, enjoy walking.
5.      Laugh All You Can. Start loosening up as laughter can be a good way of burning calories. When you laugh for about 15 minutes, you are already burning up to 50 calories. So, take your time to read the comic strips on the newspaper or the laughter section on the magazines. It’s also a good way to create a good mood.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Drink Water! It's Healthy

As Featured On EzineArticles

Water is one of the most abundant resources available on Earth. In fact, about 75% of our planet is made up of water. Aside from that, the human body also consists of water and there are about 2/3 of them wherein the blood is 83% water, the brain is 75% water and even the bone is 22% water. If there is already plenty of water on our body system, then why do we need to drink up and replenish our body with eight to ten glasses of water a day?

We need water in our body simply because even we are sleeping we are losing water. Our lungs expel an average of three cups of water per day because of the breathing process and we loose an average of six cups of water as we urinate. Not to mention the amount of water we expel when we are sweating, walking, running and exercising. Thus we have to replenish all those water that were lost and avoid losing more than 10% of our body weigh to avoid dehydration.

Well, you face a lot of problems when you are dehydrated. First of all, your blood will not circulate well which will lead to many more complications such as your brain will be less active which will affect concentration and critical thinking abilities. In addition to that, you will feel that your body is heavy and tired. Seems interesting right? What if I tell you that toxins in your digestive system will not be flushed out of your body system if you are dehydrated? Am I getting your attention now? Thus, read on as I outline to you the need of being hydrated always.

Having enough water in your body will be of great help for your brain to function accordingly. In addition to that, water keeps the digestive system in shape. Also, adequate water consumption will make you feel better because it prevents constipation. Enough water on you body system also means that you are lessening the chance of kidney stones as well as preventing and lessening of acquiring colds and flu. Not to mention that water also helps in keeping the joints lubricated which is very important for the athletes and older people to avoid sprains and cramps.

If you are aiming to lose some weight, then drink up since water helps in metabolism by burning calories 3% faster. Also, there are studies that hunger and thirst are activated at the same time, Thus, if you are thirsty, you maybe mistaken that you are hungry which increase your food intake. Therefore, drinking mote water prevents overeating and promotes weigh loss.

There are many more benefits of drinking water. There are also studies that water promotes a beautiful and glowing skin, relives fatigue, headache and back pains, and many more. Thus, never forget to drink up. Anyway, water is very abundant.

Can Apples Really Keep The Doctor Away?

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is one of he most widely used proverbs by nutritionist.  But, how true is the saying? Are there basis to support that or its just one of those verses that has been invented to boost the sales of apples?

Well, the abundance of apples leads to various scientific researches as many scientists want to prove if the prove is true or just a mere lie. Thankfully, there are a lot of apples that can be used for that purpose as apples are one of the widely cultivated tree fruits in the world. The fact that there are about 55 million tons of apples that have been grown last 2005, made apples to be the center of most researches.

From the different studies that have been conducted, it has been found out that boron is present on apples. Boron helps strengthening our bones which is good for young and adult. Moreover, the high fiber contents of apple help in the regulation of the bowel movement. In addition, it also helps in lowering the risk to colon cancer.  Moreover, fiber is also the reason behind the steady level of blood sugar that is being enjoyed by apple lovers. Lastly, apples contain soluble fibers which are essential in lowering the blood cholesterol level of an individual.

Aside from the mentioned things, there are also flavonoids in apple and there are plenty of them. These flavonoids are very good in inhibiting the growth of the cells that are responsible for prostate cancer. Moreover, flavonoids have an effect of inhibitory on the augmentation of the carcinogenic substances on the bladder. For that reason, apples are very good for smokers as there is a reduce risk for bladder cancer. Besides, a medical journal from the United Kingdom concluded that "the results suggest that people with very low intakes of flavonoids have higher risks of coronary disease." Thus, it proved that apples are good for those with heart diseases.

Apples have antioxidants too since there is a presence of phythochemicals in alcohol. These antioxidants are excellent in the reduction of the harmful effects caused by the free radicals that can be found in the body. Moreover, antioxidants play a vital role in order to keep us healthier and younger at the same time. In fact, there are a lot of researches that have confirmed already that eating food that are rich in antioxidants is helpful to slow down physical and mental degeneration thus keeping us younger and brighter.

The lists of the benefits our body can get from eating apples can really go on and on.
For that reason, it can be concluded that the old proverb is really right. Well, science has already proven that. So, start including apple in your diet as it is one of the cheapest ways to be fit, healthy, young, bright and strong.